Our general doctors office opened as a new establishment on December 1, 2021, located in the heart of Frankfurt, directly by Holzhausenpark.

Personal and friendly care for all patients is very important to us. Based on my internal medicine qualifications and experience, I aim to treat you appropriately following comprehensive diagnostics. Our common goal is to improve your well-being and prevent the onset of diseases through regular check-ups.

In cases of illness, internal medicine forms the basis for a therapy approach grounded not just in symptoms, but in a professionally founded diagnosis.

In addition to preventive care, our focus includes health-promoting lifestyles, particularly emphasizing nutrition, physical activity, mental well-being, and quality sleep, each influencing the other reciprocally. Medical diagnostics and anamnesis enable us to tailor and initiate treatment steps to enhance your health.

Alongside competent treatment, we prioritize efficient organization. We strive to keep waiting times minimal and offer short-term appointment scheduling, recognizing that illnesses cannot be planned. To maintain this standard, we kindly ask for understanding that we have limited capacity for new patients.

We appreciate it if you schedule appointments online, with the link always available on our website. For (elderly) patients less familiar with the internet, we also offer the option of scheduling appointments by phone.

My team and I look forward to welcoming you to our internal medicine general doctors office by the Holzhausenpark.

Dr. Anke Huberman and Team


So that you are ‚up to date‘ with your health, we offer a range of check-ups and consultations in our office to expertly assess your health condition.

Skin Cancer Screening

The incidence of skin cancer continues to rise annually and is now the most common cancer in Germany. When detected early, more than 95% of all skin cancers can be cured. Using a dermatoscope (epiluminescence microscope), which achieves a 10-fold magnification of the upper skin layers, even the smallest changes can be detected early.

Starting at the age of 35, you are entitled to a skin cancer screening every two years.

BIA Measurement

Do you want to finally lose weight successfully and understand your body composition? With the BIA measurement, we determine your current nutritional and training status.

With a quick measurement, you can take the results with you on the same day.

Post Covid Check-Up

With the Post Covid Check-Up in our practice, you will gain clarity about your current health status after your COVID-19 infection. You will be examined for the most commonly described Long Covid symptoms and, if necessary, receive therapeutic solutions for further treatment.

This examination exceeds the services covered by statutory health insurance and will therefore be billed according to the GOĂ„.

Health Check-Up

Many diseases, such as kidney disease, diabetes, or cardiovascular problems, can be diagnosed at an early stage. With a health check-up, you can take advantage of this examination every 3 years starting at the age of 35.


The diagnostic capabilities of internal medicine are diverse. Since one must consider the whole person to diagnose and rule out diseases as quickly as possible, comprehensive examinations are necessary. In our practice, we offer internal medicine examinations using state-of-the-art equipment. We work closely with the Bioscientia Laboratory. Thanks to the extensive range of services offered by the laboratory, even rare medical conditions can be evaluated.

Ultrasound Diagnostics

Ultrasound diagnostics allow early detection and treatment of changes and diseases without radiation and pain. We examine thyroid, heart, lungs, abdomen, kidneys, and blood vessels.

Laboratory Diagnostics

Comprehensive diagnostic testing includes detailed laboratory diagnostics, which we also offer in our practice. After individual consultation, we compile a profile to investigate your symptoms.

We also provide a wide range of microbiology analyses, tests for various types of food intolerances, antibody tests, and much more.

Blood Pressure and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

30 – 45% of the population suffers from hypertension. Early diagnosis can lead to successful treatment. Through ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, we determine if therapeutic measures are necessary to lower your blood pressure, all without inflatable cuffs.

ECG, Exercise ECG, and Holter Monitoring

Early prevention and detection of potential cardiovascular diseases can prevent serious health issues. We monitor your heart activity using state-of-the-art technology.

Tisch mit Stethoskop darauf im Behandlungsraum von Anke Huberman Hausarztpraxis Frankfurt Nordend

ABI (Ankle-Brachial Index / Doppler Blood Pressure Measurement)

This method helps determine individual risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

Pulmonary Function Testing (Spirometry)

The lungs are highly efficient organs. We can assess their function quickly, and you can receive results the same day.


To replenish your body’s strength, we offer infusion therapies tailored to your needs.

Infusions contain essential substances your body needs: vitamins, electrolytes, trace elements, amino acids, and micronutrients.

Sleep Diagnostics (Polygraphy)

More and more people suffer from sleep problems, affecting daily life. If you feel tired during the day and struggle to sleep at night, polysomnography may be the solution.

You can comfortably take our sleep lab home, and we monitor your sleep!


As your family doctor, I take the time to listen to you and your concerns. I uphold the tradition of the family doctor, especially in a time when everything is expected to be quick. It doesn’t always have to be an immediate lab order or ultrasound. The first step in my diagnosis is a thorough conversation with you, where you can calmly and extensively explain your concerns.


Through comprehensive discussions, we determine the right treatment or measures to improve your well-being and health. We also provide assistance with assessments, nursing care, and social support, finding collaborative solutions.


In addition to regular appointments, we offer acute care clinics.

These are held at 10:30 AM.

To register, please email us or call directly.

069 . 13 02 54 - 35


Following general STIKO recommendations, we provide all common vaccinations and offer specialized travel medicine consultations.


What do I need to bring for the first appointment?

Please bring your insurance card for the first visit.

If you already have a medication plan, please bring it with you to your first appointment as well.

Can I register online only?

Of course. You can directly access our online appointment booking through our  „SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT“ buttons. Here, you can easily schedule an available appointment. For acute pain, please contact us directly by phone.

You can reach us at: 069 . 13 02 54 - 35

What if I can’t reach anyone by phone?

If you are unable to reach us by phone directly, please try again at another time.

Alternatively, you can also send us an email at with your inquiry. We will respond to your emails within one day.

For life-threatening situations, please dial 112 directly to contact emergency services.

Is there an on-call medical service?

Outside of our office hours, the medical on-call service is typically available to assist you. You can reach them at the unified phone number 116 117.





Do you have any questions, requests, or suggestions? Please contact us, we are happy to help!

order your prescription easily by email

Please provide us with the exact description of the medication and the required quantity.

We place great importance on protecting your personal data and guarantee secure transmission through SSL encryption.

Opening times

Mon 08.00 – 14.00
Tue  08.00 – 12.00 and 15.00 – 17.00
Wed 08.00 – 13.00
Thu 08.00 – 12.00 and 15.00 – 17.00
Fri  08.00 – 12.30
as well as by appointment

All insurance and private


Mo 08.00 – 15.00
Di   08.00 – 12.00 und 15.00 – 17.00
Mi  08.00 – 12.00
Do  08.00 – 12.00 und 15.00 – 17.00
Fr   08.00 – 12.00
sowie nach Vereinbarung
Alle Kassen und privat.


Tel.: 069 . 13 02 54 - 35
Fax: 069 . 13 02 54 - 36

EysseneckstraĂźe 9
60322 Frankfurt am Main


Tel.: 069 . 13 02 54 - 35
Fax: 069 . 13 02 54 - 36

EysseneckstraĂźe 9
60322 Frankfurt am Main

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